Types of software testing: End-to-End Testing

Types of software testing: End-to-End Testing

Types of software testing: End-to-End TestingWith the end-to-end test (end-to-end testing) we mean that testing activity of the graphical interface as the program users see it from the beginning to the end. In other words it represents a methodology used to check if the flow of an application is behaving as planned from beginning to end without any failure being detected that would affect the quality of the application itself.

End-to-end testing is part of the System testing (system test) and verifies the flows and the correct functioning of the entire program. This method includes testing interfaces and external dependencies such as the environment in which it runs or the backend. With end-to-end testing, not only are functional properties verified, but non-functional properties such as performance or reliability can also be verified.

The purpose of end-to-end test execution is to identify system dependencies and ensure that the correct information is transmitted between the various system components and systems.

In practice, an end-to-end test is basically exactly as it seems; that is, you are testing a piece of software from beginning to end, so you check what happens in a possible scenario of real use (by the user user).

End-to-End Testing (End-to-End Testing)

Examples of end-to-end testing

Examples of end-to-end testing test cases can be:Add a product to the cart in an online shop

  • Proper start of an entire single-page application
  • Navigation flow
  • Perform a complete transaction on a website
  • Validation and sending of a form
  • Processes such as login, registration or check-out in an online shop (online store)
  • Correct functioning of a form (ie the question is asked, does it save all the data entered in the right way?).

Pubblicato da Vito Lavecchia

Lavecchia Vito Ingegnere Informatico (Politecnico di Bari) Email: [email protected] Sito Web: https://vitolavecchia.altervista.org

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